TG Impact provides a platform for fundraising like no other and a streamlined process that allows everyone involved to truly enjoy their experience.
Event sponsors create custom events and then promote their events with their custom event access code.
Supporters go online and put in the event access code which allows them to make a donation specifically to the event's sponsoring organization.
Supporters enjoy playing in the event tournaments as much as they want for the duration of the event.
Sponsors enjoy competiting in online game tournaments by knowing they are helping others, and event sponsors benefit from helping their cause by hosting effective fundraising events and increasing the funds available for their cause.
TG Impact fundraisers are designed for any type of nonprofit group or organization and for the supporters of their cause. The events were specifically designed to enable these types of organizations maximize their ability to raise funds and support their cause through a means that would allow for maximum effectiveness and minimum cost. Some examples of organizations that could greatly benefit from fundraising through TG Impact are shown below.
Nonprofit Organizations
Public Schools & School Clubs
Churches & Religious Organizations
Foundations & Foundation Sponsored Programs
Advocacy Programs
Nonprofit Trade Organizations
And Many More Unique Nonprofit Groups